
Grkmwk's Quilt

Another LibraryThing friend recently had a baby and this is the quilt I made for her. She had told me the nursery was a jungle theme especially with monkeys and giraffes. I searched online for monkey prints and found the one I used in the block centers. It was so cute I definitely wanted to use it but I didn't buy it right away from the website. A couple of days later at JoAnn's I found the same print! I was in shock. JoAnn's never has cool stuff! I immediately bought a bunch and chose the supporting fabrics based on the monkey print. The supporting fabrics all came from Hancocks-Paducah.

The quilt ended up being about 55"x55". I was very happy with how it turned out. Sometimes it's hard to know just how much I'll like a finished product until it is a finished product. I was thrilled with this one. The blocks with the monkeys in the center are called snowball blocks. The ones with the leafy print in the center are called puss-in-corner blocks.

Here is a close-up of the monkeys. I love all their facial expressions! Too cute! The quilting is also more visible here. I did an all over zigzag because such forms are common in African art. My main goal in choosing a quilting design was not to have really obvious distracting lines running through the monkey faces. To mark the lines, I applied 1" masking tape all over the quilt in a zigzag and then quilted above and below the tape, using the tape as a guide for straight lines and corners. When applying the tape, at first I tried to measure each piece so that it was straight by the numbers. After a few attempts, I switched to making the lines look straight. That worked much better.

The binding and the back of the quilt are giraffe print. It took me ages to find a giraffe print. I looked in local fabric stores and combed the internet with no luck. After about a week of searching, I was at a quilter's guild meeting and a fellow member passed around a catalog for Hancocks-Paducah. I thumbed through the catalog with very little hope of finding a giraffe print but behold! They had two different kinds! I've been a loyal customer ever since. The corner pictured also has my signature, which I stitched in the same light color as the giraffe print, making it blend in like a giraffe in the shade. Later I wondered whether I should have used green or orange thread, but too late for second guessing myself. The quilt has been shipped and received.
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